Abide in God and bear fruit
Join Our Ministries
Besides worshipping the Lord as a community, we also welcome you to join us in our ministries. Whether fellowshipping with our brothers and sisters over a cuppa coffee or board games, attending a course to know more about the Lord, helping the needy, teaching the little ones on the Word of God or joining a vibrant group of young people in music and sports, there’s always a place for you.
Mission Ministry
JB Wesley allocates more than 20% of its total funds for Mission Works annually. The funds are in support of mission ministries within Malaysia and also of overseas mission ministries.
We praise and thank God for the provision annually and pray for His continual blessing and providence to enable us to reach those in need, those marginalized who are children of God and those yet to be reached where He may lead us.
Social Concerns Ministry
Jesus states that one of the most important commandments is “love your neighbor as yourself “ (Mark 12:31). This is the foundation on which social concerns ministry build its understanding of the purpose and meaning of caring for people.
Our mission focuses on the well being of society by extending our services of protecting vulnerable people such as the hungry, the sick, widows, orphans, and foreigners.
We also provide financial support to Homes, NGOs, and schools for their services towards the community.
Evangelism Explosion is a ministry that trains people on how to share their faith in Christ and how to bring people from unbelief to belief. It utilizes a variety of components including prayer, actual on-the-job training where the experienced lead the inexperienced, and the principle of spiritual multiplication.
Alpha Course Ministry
The Alpha course is an evangelistic course which seeks to introduce the basics of the Christian faith through a series of talks and discussions. It is described by its organizers as "an opportunity to explore the meaning of life".
Christian Education Ministry
We believe that the educating of the Christian mind is more than just filling our brain with biblical knowledge, important as that may be. Ultimately, our lives must be touched by the Holy Spirit and be radically changed.
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2)
Small Group Ministry
The Small Group community fosters deep and meaningful relationship outside church walls. Our Christian life is more than corporate worship and pulpit messages. The intimate settings of a Small Group encourages effective learning, personal sharing, caring through prayers and support. Experience God's love for you through the life-changing power of Small Group today! Contact us to find out more.
Church School Ministry
Jesus said "Feed My Lambs". Church School, JB Wesley welcomes all the children to the various classes catered for them. A fun filled class to discover young talents and nurture young minds for the kingdom of God. At the same time, developing socially among peers and friends. Come and join us!
Youth Connection Ministry
A place where the young and young at hearts connect with one another, make new friends but above all, connect with God. The Youth Connection or YC meets every Saturday right after the English service. Among the activities YC does on a regular basis includes Bible Study, sports outings, Praise and Worship sessions, movie sessions and visitations, as well as church camps.
Senior Adults Ministry
The Methodist Seniors Fellowship is an organisation set up to serve the seniors of the church. The MSF Local Chapter of JB Wesley was formed in 2010. At present we have eighty – seven registered members.
这是教会为我们年长会众 所设立的团契,旨在
乐龄团契在 每星期二下午 2时 在教会聚会。欲了解更多详情,请联络 Nancy Tan姐妹 @012-722 0724.
Worship and Music Ministry
Music expresses thanksgiving to the LORD. Music has enormous power to engage the emotions, and the Bible resounds with praise and thanks to God through music. Music has played a part in our church and we believe that it brings us closer to God spiritually because in Church, everyone sings the same song and thus, giving a sense of unity in God. Here in JB Wesley, our services will be structured and are likely to have hymns or modern worship songs as well as scripture readings and a sermon; and the one thing in common is that they are all Praising God. Worship songs are accompanied by many instruments like the Keyboard, Electric, Base and Classical Guitars, and the Drums, to make the Worship lively. Here, we always remind one another that all that we do is for the Glory of God. Hence, come and experience and encounter God in JB Wesley.